-Receive your application that will contain your fitness story, your mantra, personal info, and pictures
-Proofread your fitness story and edit it
-Edit one of your pictures to use with your fitness story
-Add your mantra on your picture
-Create your verified personal page on our website (it will host your fitness story along with your picture, personal details and a link to your IG account).
-Publish your story on our website.
-Post your fitness story along with your picture with mantra on our Instagram page, and keep it forever there.
-Post your fitness story on our Facebook page along with your picture and a chosen favorite sentence from your story, and keep it forever there.
-Boost your fitness story for maximum reach.


-Submit your application using the button below (you will enter your personal info, fitness story, mantra and pictures)
-Pay the Verification & Support fee, for 2 reasons detailed below:

1. This project is our day to day job, and we work so hard to empower athletes and deliver a professional work at the same time.
Like any business we have expenses to cover and profits to make, and your support is our only source of income. So as soon as you submit your application you will be asked to pay the Verification & Support fee.
2. We receive so many applications everyday, and unfortunately a huge part of them are from people with fake identities and fake stories, so we need to filter those out. The fee will help verify you are who you say you are.

The Verification & Support fee is currently discounted and set for $75 (23 spots left so far), it will go back to normal after that to original price of $120.


As a first step to start your application you are asked to go ahead and pay the Verification & Support fee explained above. Doing this you will secure you spot and confirm your real interest in inspiring with us, as well as all the benefits mentioned above.

As soon as you pay the Verification & Support fee you will be able to access the form where you can write up your fitness story and submit all the necessary details.

Pay the Verification & Support fee, Confirm your spot & Submit your application
Scroll up to know about the fee and why you are asked to pay it.
You can confirm your spot now and submit your application later.



Millions will discover your fitness story and get inspired by you! The will interact with you on your personal page on our website, and also on our social media pages.


Being on our website and social media accounts will put you in front of a very large audience. They can follow you on social media, or get in touch with you.


Behind Bodybuilders is a trusted body in the fitness world. Labelling yourself as "as seen on Behind Bodybuilders" is a great social proof to tell you are authentic and trustworthy.


Pave the way to yourself to shine more and embrace more success.
Inspiring, getting exposure and gaining credibility are the secret formula for that. Behind Bodybuilders is guaranteeing you these!

Pay the Verification & Support fee, Confirm your spot & Submit your application
Scroll up to know about the fee and why you are asked to pay it.
You canconfirm your spot now and submit your application later.

Behind Bodybuilders © 2022