Thank You!

Awesome! Now your story is set to get published along a quoted photo of yours on our website (on your own personal page), and also on our Instagram and Facebook pages!

But before doing this you are asked to pay the Support & Verification fee as beenexplained on the application form page.

Behind Bodybuilders is not a non-profit organization, it's our day to day job. The fee you will pay is our only source of income, it will allow us to keep working and serving other athletes like yourself.
Also we are taking our job very seriously, hence we only accept the serious! Unfortunately so many frivolous people (fake identities, fake stories,...)get in touch with us everyday, and we need to keep them away! The fee is doing that! It will make sure you are who you say you are.

The fee currently is $75.

Behind Bodybuilders © 2022