Thank you!

We received your application and our team will jump right away into working on it! Soon it will be live everywhere! But before doing that you need to finish the last step!

All you have left to do now is paying the Support & Verification fee! It's a one time payment of $75!

The power of this project is that we are all doing it together, we help you inspire, get exposure & look credible, and you support us so this mission keeps running!

The fee will support our work as we don't have any sources of income, and this project is our day to day job, we rely on you to survive!

Another reason for the payment is to keep the space clean from the frivolous, we want only honest and trustworthy people on our platform. The fee will make sure you are who you say you are.

Let's finish the last step and get you live!

The payment system is made by default for members interested in the advanced features, but you don't have to become one to publish your story! Just pay the fee once and you are all done!

Behind Bodybuilders © 2022