1. Our Responsibilities:

- We will receive your application, which will include your fitness story, mantra, personal information, and pictures.
- Our team will proofread and edit your fitness story, ensuring it meets our standards.
- We will edit one of your pictures to accompany your fitness story and incorporate your chosen mantra.
- Your personalized page will be created on our website, showcasing your fitness story, picture, personal details, and a link to your Instagram account.
- Your story will be published on our website, allowing others to be inspired by your journey.
- We will feature your fitness story, along with the picture containing your mantra, on our Instagram page, ensuring it remains permanently visible.
- Your fitness story will also be shared on our Facebook page, alongside your picture and a selected impactful sentence from your story, preserving it indefinitely.
- We will employ strategic measures to maximize the reach and visibility of your fitness story.

2. Your Responsibilities:

- To begin the process, kindly submit your application using the button provided (including your personal information, fitness story, mantra, and pictures).
- A Verification & Support fee of $125 is required to proceed. This fee serves two important purposes:
1. Sustaining Our Project: Behind Bodybuilders is our full-time commitment, where we strive to empower athletes and deliver professional work. Like any business, we have expenses to cover and the need to generate income. Your support through the Verification & Support fee ensures our continued operation.
2. Ensuring Authenticity: We receive a significant number of applications daily, and unfortunately, some are submitted with false identities and fabricated stories. The fee helps us verify the authenticity of each applicant, ensuring we maintain the integrity of the platform.

By adhering to these guidelines, we can collectively enhance the Behind Bodybuilders project, providing a platform where genuine fitness enthusiasts can inspire and uplift others.

Thank you for understanding and supporting our mission.

Behind Bodybuilders © 2023