Milan, TN
"I started my fitness journey 2 and a half years ago because I didn’t feel confident looking at myself in the mirror anymore. I had been in college for about a year and a half and had completely become inactive and was eating whatever foods were convenient.
When I started working out I was 165 pounds, a size 8 pants, and a size L top, and had no clue what I was doing in the gym! Since I was a college student I didn’t have the extra cash to buy into diet plans, fitness trainers, or even want to pay for a fitness app subscription, so I researched methods on my own to come up with a plan that worked for me and my budget! One of the most critical parts of my journey was what I was putting in my mouth, it was difficult to switch from all the foods I was used to consuming to meals that fit my macros, especially since I was living in a dormitory where all I had was a mini fridge and a microwave.
However, despite the challenged I found ways to make the journey continue by cooking at home on the weekends, storing them, being smart with what I chose to eat when we went out, and staying committed to the gym! This mind set of commitment grew me both physically and mentally, as I could see the results I kept pushing myself harder and harder.
About a year ago I was half way to my goal at 145 pounds, size 4 pants and size M top. When I essentially thrilled half of my abdominal fat my next goal was to increase my muscle mass and be able to complete compound movements in the gym! Keeping myself motivated by making new goals to follow always gave me a new horizon to shoot for. Throughout the journey I’ve had many obstacles to face : I am a nursing student, so many times I would have so many classes and assignments to where I couldn’t go to the gym as often, Covid-19 hit which shut down my gym for 3 months, so I had to get equipment to work out at home, and many other daily battles. BUT - excuses never get you anywhere, so I pushed through to continue growing.
During my entire journey I had a vision that I wanted to inspire and grow others who are starting their journey, so I created a small side Instagram account where I posted workouts, meal ideas, supplements, etc and I had such a great response that I decided to start making personal workout plans, and even meal prep fresh plates for people!
This interaction with the fitness community really fueled my desire to peruse a larger online platform to inspire others with my fitness journey, in hopes to one day reach a larger audience in the fitness world! No doubt I can say that the growth I have experienced as a person and the relationships I have developed have molded me into a much stronger and healthier individual both physically and mentally!"
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