Birmingham, UK
"I started gym to keep fit and get big. Then I met bodybuilders and they said I should compete, and the main guy of the hun came to me and says give it a try and I did, and never looked back. It helps me physically and mentally and I’m now a personal trainer too, so I can help others be better also. It’s now a lifestyle for me not just a hobby!
I’m now a British champion and European champion, and aiming for world champion and pro card also! I love inspiring and motivating people to get fitter and healthier, I’m a natural bodybuilder who dies natural federations which are tested, and I’m in great health and will keep getting better on my journey! There is no age on fitness so I can enjoy what I do as I share my journey knowing I’m motivating others and inspiring people to live healthy as health is wealth!
I use to be just a guy who randomly goes gym and just did any and anything, you never stop learning your body, so nothing stays the same, keep learning and keep training and reminding people that their diet is key in getting healthy and the body you want, it’s not all about the gym as learnt very quickly, but I do what I love and enjoy what I do and will do this as long as I can, I’m always smiling and very happy and a bubbly person also when you meet me in person."
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