Why it's important to be on Behind Bodybuilders...

You Inspire

Tell the whole world about your fascinating fitness journey. You can be an inspiration to others. We will help you by publishing your story on our different social media accounts and our website, and give it a boost so it reaches a wider audience! You will inspire and get exposure!

Your Verified Card

We will create you a verified card on our website (your personal page) where will put your story, and your details! This will serve you in showing credibility in the fitness world! You can use your verified card link to place on your website, social media accounts, or business card!

What's the catch?...

Behind Bodybuilders wants to help everyone, so when we first started our services were free of charge! We relied on mutual collaborations and individual awareness to keep this project running, but unfortunately we were faced with so many bad eggs! From fake stories, to people with fake Instagram accounts, to those who are so excited to send us their stories but then don't bother to help share their stories or even reply back to our messages!

In addition to this, to keep our work professional, we started to have many expenses; copywriting, photo editing, marketing, social media and website management, etc...

So in order to keep fakers and frivolous people out, and to cover our expenses and help this project keep running, Behind Bodybuilders is NO LONGER 100% free of charge!

BUT we did our best to keep this noble mission available and affordable to everyone! Instead of asking for a plain payment (our services are valued for $200), you are asked to make us a contribution by either buying some our branded apparel or becoming a paying member of our private community. This will cost you a small investment of $30, and you get something tangible in your hands as well!.

Your contribution will assure us that you are pretty serious about publishing your fitness story, and will make us a small commission that will help this project keep running.

Let's get started...

1. Submit Your Story

Fill in the application form. Writein your details, and put your story together by answering a couple of questions.

2. Support the Project

Select a method to support Behind Bodybuilders and keep our services running. You can either buy some of our apparel or become a member of our private community.

© Copyright Behind Bodybuilders