Knoxville, TN
"I loved playing sports growing up and because of that, fitness has always been a part of my life. Then once I became a mom to three kids, I turned to fitness - especially running, yoga and strength training to feel more balanced mentally and physically.
It is the part of my life where I can show up for myself every day to feel stronger in all ways. Running is the way I clear my head when I need to have time alone to process all the craziness of life. Yoga is where I reconnect to my soul purpose in life. It’s where I find stillness. Strength and resistance training is where I turn to feel physically strong.
I am constantly seeking a balance of mind body and spirit which is why I will always incorporate all three of these activities. I try to get in at least twenty minutes of movement every day of the week with three to four days a week having time blocked out for the more intense workouts. The connections with other people pursuing their own wellness journeys in my community and through social media are also a big part of what has kept me inspired and motivated to keep showing up.
This has all made a big impact on my life and wellness - I’m in the best shape of my adult life now at age forty one with three kids ans a really busy calendar. The key for me has been to take the time without letting myself make excuses or feel guilty for taking it. And the most fun part now is that my kids see the way I prioritize fitness and a healthy, balanced lifestyle and they want to live in the same way!
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