Thanks for expressing your interest in publishing your fitness story on Behind Bodybuilders!
In addition to being able to submit your fitness story and publish it on Behind Bodybuilders (with all the benefits that come with it), you are now officially entered our draw to win $3,000! But you need to confirm your participation though by submitting your fitness story, finishing all the application steps and getting your story published!
Unfortunately so many people express their interest in publishing their fitness stories on Behind Bodybuilders, but they never send us their stories, or they don't finish all the steps to get their stories published!
In case your name was the one drawn but we found no fitness story submitted, or that you did not finished all the steps to get your story published, you will lose the $3,000! We will have to pick a different name of someone who got their fitness story published!
You can find more details about the steps you need to complete, and submit your fitness story using this button
Submitting your application is time sensitive! We receive a huge amount of requests and we can't hold all spots open forever!
Contact our team on Instagram! Send a DM to @BehindBodybuilders
Copyrights Behind Bodybuilders 2023