We empower you to inspire.

+1,400 stories featured
+2 million social media reach

After dedicating more than nine years to my fitness journey, receiving an invitation to share my fitness story on Behind Bodybuilders turned out to be the luckiest day of my life. Not only did I feel incredible telling the world my story and inspiring countless people, but it also opened up a remarkable opportunity for me. On that very first day, I secured 32 clients for online coaching, and these are my very first clients ever. They discovered me through Behind Bodybuilders, and it's been an amazing journey, as I began making $7,200 a month right from the start. This whole experience has been a dream come true, allowing me to share my passion and help others achieve their fitness goals.

Josh Underwood
Salem, NC


We hold the belief to empower individuals worldwide to embark on transformative fitness journeys, fostering a global community where every story is celebrated and shared. Our mission is to inspire, uplift, and unite individuals through the universal language of fitness, promoting authenticity, resilience, and well-being. By providing a platform for diverse voices, we aim to contribute to a healthier and more connected world where fitness becomes a catalyst for positive change. Together, we strive to redefine standards, break barriers, and cultivate a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and the fitness community at large.

In your story, we encourage you to share the pivotal moment when you embarked on your fitness journey, elucidating the motivations that propelled you forward. Additionally, we invite you to detail the transformative experiences you've encountered and the enduring positive impact that fitness has had on your life. Feel free to recount your proudest achievements and outline your future aspirations. Any unique and intriguing facets of your journey are also welcome. Remember, your fitness story is a beacon of hope and inspiration for others, so don't underestimate its potential to inspire and uplift.

Publishing my fitness journey on Behind Bodybuilders was a game-changer! From day one, I gained over 800 followers, and the support and encouragement from this amazing community have been overwhelming. It's incredible how sharing my story has connected me with like-minded individuals who share my passion for fitness. Thank you, Behind Bodybuilders, for providing the perfect platform to inspire and be inspired!

Jemma Moyer
Pasadena, CA


our website

Your fitness story will have a dedicated page on our website, which will host your fitness story, photo and personal details. It will beviewed by over 1.2 million monthly visitors.

You can use your personal page link to post on social media, or put it on your business card.

Social Media

Your story will be featured on both our Instagram and Facebook pages, which have thousands of visitors per day.

Marketing Campaign

Your fitness story will be part of our extensive marketing campaign, which reaches over 2 million individuals in the global fitness community through various social media platforms. This campaign is designed to further amplify the impact of your story and inspire a broader audience.

Linking Back to You

Whether on our website or social media pages, every publication will include a prominent link back to your Instagram account, enhancing your visibility and potentially increasing your following.


Behind Bodybuilders' primary goal is to share inspiration through fitness stories, and there is a lot to reap out of this:

Inspire Others
Your journey becomes a source of inspiration for countless individuals on their fitness journeys.

Global Exposure
Your story is promoted internationally through our platform, providing you with a unique opportunity for global recognition.

Increased Credibility
Becoming a featured athlete on Behind Bodybuilders enhances your credibility in the fitness community, potentially leading to new business opportunities.

Case Study Feature
Your fitness journey may be selected as a case study, highlighting your achievements and the positive impact of your transformation.

Dedicated Web Page
Your fitness story has a dedicated page on our website, viewed by over 2 million monthly visitors.

Social Media Presence
We feature your story on our Instagram page, viewed by thousands of fitness enthusiasts daily, and share it on our Facebook page.

Link Back to Your Instagram
Every publication includes a prominent link back to your Instagram account, enhancing your visibility and potentially increasing your following.

Extended Marketing Campaign
Your fitness story is part of our extensive marketing campaign, reaching over 2 million individuals in the global fitness community on various social media platforms.

Behind Bodybuilders has been a game-changer for me as an athlete. Sharing my story on this platform not only allowed me to connect with a broader audience but also opened up incredible opportunities. I've received valuable insights, support, and encouragement from fellow athletes and fitness enthusiasts, and my journey has inspired and motivated others to pursue their athletic dreams. Thanks to Behind Bodybuilders, my story is now a source of inspiration for others, and I've expanded my network in ways I never imagined possible. It's more than just a platform; it's a community that elevates everyone who shares their story.

Paula Gray
Tampa, FL


Step 1: Submit Your Fitness Story & Details

During this step, you'll complete your application by writing your fitness story (answering a couple of questions), providing your personal information, and uploading the photos you'd like us to include with your story.

Step 2: Verification & Support

As soon as you submit your fitness story you will be redirected to the Verification & Support fee payment page. This step serves a dual purpose: firstly, to ensure the commitment and authenticity of all participants by verifying their identities. Regrettably, we have encountered numerous instances of fake stories and applications submitted under false identities, prompting the necessity for this barrier. Secondly, the fee contributes to the financial support of our project, ensuring its continuous operation. This measure guarantees that only genuine and dedicated athletes are actively involved in our initiative.

The Verification & Support fee is a one-time payment of $125 (discounted from $195 upon availability).

Step 3: Story Publishing & Boost

Upon receiving your application , we will promptly initiate the processing of your submission. Your fitness story will undergo professional rewriting, ensuring a polished presentation while preserving the accuracy of the facts and events related to your journey. Additionally, your photos will be expertly edited to exude a professional appearance.

We will proceed to craft a dedicated personal page on our website, which will feature your story, photographs, and personal information. Simultaneously, we will curate posts about your narrative for publication on our social media platforms. To further amplify your reach, we will execute a marketing campaign designed to expand your story's audience.

Whether showcased on our website or shared through our social media channels, all content will include a direct link to your Instagram account, ensuring that your online presence receives the recognition and attention it deserves.

Let's get started with step 1:

Featured Athletes Satisfaction Rate
+1,400 athletes featured


What's Behind Bodybuilders
Behind Bodybuilders is a platform dedicated to publishing fitness stories.

Why are you publishing fitness stories?
We believe anyone working out has a story behind their fitness journey. This story could be a beacon of inspiration for others. We created a place where such stories can be shared.

Can I publish my fitness story with you?
Yes! Anyone working out can publish their fitness story on Behind Bodybuilders, whether you are a bodybuilder, a runner, a yoga lover, or doing any kind of physical training or sports, you are welcomed.

Where will you publish my story?
Your story will be published on our website and social media pages, plus doing marketing campaigns for the story. Together they have more than 3 million fitness community reach.

How publishing my story with you will benefit me?
We want you to be a believer in inspiration, you will be a source of inspiration to others. And out of this a lot can be gained. You will gain so much exposure being on our website, social media pages and marketing campaigns, putting you in front of an audience of more than 3 million fitness enthusiasts like yourself.

Also being on a trusted body in the fitness world like Behind Bodybuilders, will give you much more credibility. You will look more authentic.

Exposure + credibility will work magic to increase your social media following and open up the doors for real life opportunities (sponsorship, clients, business deals, networking, ...)

Is there a fee to publish my story?
Yes, there is a Verification & Support fee to pay. It is in place to make sure applicants are serious about participation and we receive authentic information. Also it will support our project financially so we keep publish more fitness stories, deliver a professional service and convincing results. The Verification & Support fee is $75.

When will my story be published?
As soon as we receive your application we will start working on it, and your story will be published at the same day.

How do I get started?
The first step you need to do is submitting your fitness story clicking here.

Need Help?

Contact our team on Instagram, or send an email to

Copyrights Behind Bodybuilders 2024