Austin, TX
"I've always been an athlete. Track was my sport. I started competing in 1998 in fitness category. At the time I had 2 small boys and it was very hard to commit the time and the finances to competing. Soon thereafter I went through a divorce and now was a single mom raising my boys. No way was competing even a possibility! I stopped doing what I love knowing one day I would pick it back up.
I took a 17 year break to raise my kids and further my career to support my family as a single mom and after years of busting my butt and traveling all over the US for my job I found myself at almost 200 unhealthy pounds, it was clear my health was declining due to me putting it on the back burner for corp travel. In 2013 said I've had enough working for corporate America purchased a failing gym and stared over doing what I love, training others and building my business. Because the gym I own is , METROFLEX AUSTIN a hardcore body building gym, I knew I had to also look the part, so in 2016 I made my decision to make my comeback into the NPC.
4 years of non stop competing I finally earned my PRO CARD and made it to the IFBB league. Last year 2020 I won my first masters weman's bodybuilding class. !
Dreams can come true! Thankful for my new husband of 8 years who supports all I do, and my children who also push me to be my very best and stuck together through the hard times, and also my gym family that never lets me down and allows me to live my dreams!"
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