+23 countries featured
+2 million social media reach

After dedicating more than nine years to my fitness journey, receiving an invitation to share my fitness story on Behind Bodybuilders turned out to be the luckiest day of my life. Not only did I feel incredible telling the world my story and inspiring countless people, but it also opened up a remarkable opportunity for me. On that very first day, I secured 32 clients for online coaching, and these are my very first clients ever. They discovered me through Behind Bodybuilders, and it's been an amazing journey, as I began making $7,200 a month right from the start. This whole experience has been a dream come true, allowing me to share my passion and help others achieve their fitness goals.

Josh Underwood
Salem, NC

What Insights Will Athletes Put In Their Fitness Story?

We hold the belief that every individual engaged in their fitness journey possesses an inspiring story that underscores their path to wellness, and we are convinced that these narratives can serve as a wellspring of motivation for others.

We encourage athletes you to share the pivotal moment when they embarked on their fitness journey, elucidating the motivations that propelled them forward. Additionally, we invite them to detail the transformative experiences they've encountered and the enduring positive impact that fitness has had on their life. Athletes can recount their proudest achievements and outline their future aspirations. Any unique and intriguing facets of their journey are also welcome. The fitness story of every athlete is a beacon of hope and inspiration for others, we shouldn't underestimate its potential to inspire and uplift.

Publishing my fitness journey on Behind Bodybuilders was a game-changer! From day one, I gained over 800 followers, and the support and encouragement from this amazing community have been overwhelming. It's incredible how sharing my story has connected me with like-minded individuals who share my passion for fitness. Thank you, Behind Bodybuilders, for providing the perfect platform to inspire and be inspired!

Jemma Moyer
Pasadena, CA

Where stories are published?

1. Behind Bodybuilders Website: the fitness story will have a dedicated page on our website, viewed by over 1.2 million monthly visitors.

2. Instagram Page: We will feature the story on our Instagram page.

3. Facebook Page: The story will also be shared on our Facebook page, reaching an even wider audience.

4. Extended Marketing Campaign: The fitness story will be part of our extensive marketing campaign, which reaches over 2 million individuals in the global fitness community through various social media platforms. This campaign is designed to further amplify the impact of the story and inspire a broader audience.

5. Link Back to Your Instagram: Every publication will include a prominent link back to the athlete  Instagram account, enhancing their visibility and potentially increasing their following.

Benefits of Sharing One's Fitness Story

1. Inspire Others: The arhlete journey becomes a source of inspiration for countless individuals on their fitness journeys.

2. Global Exposure: The story is promoted internationally through our platform, providing the athlete with a unique opportunity for global recognition.

3. Increased Credibility: Becoming a featured athlete on Behind Bodybuilders enhances the athlete credibility in the fitness community, potentially leading to new business opportunities.

4. Case Study Feature: The fitness journey may be selected as a case study, highlighting their achievements and the positive impact of your transformation.

5. Dedicated Web Page: The fitness story has a dedicated page on our website, viewed by over 1.2 million monthly visitors.

6. Social Media Presence: We feature the arhlete story on our Instagram page, followed by 40,000 fitness enthusiasts, and share it on our Facebook page.

7. Link Back to Your Instagram: Every publication includes a prominent link back to the athlete Instagram account, enhancing their visibility and potentially increasing their following.

8. Extended Marketing Campaign: The athlete fitness story is part of our extensive marketing campaign, reaching over 2 million individuals in the global fitness community on various social media platforms.

Behind Bodybuilders has been a game-changer for me as an athlete. Sharing my story on this platform not only allowed me to connect with a broader audience but also opened up incredible opportunities. I've received valuable insights, support, and encouragement from fellow athletes and fitness enthusiasts, and my journey has inspired and motivated others to pursue their athletic dreams. Thanks to Behind Bodybuilders, my story is now a source of inspiration for others, and I've expanded my network in ways I never imagined possible. It's more than just a platform; it's a community that elevates everyone who shares their story.

Paula Gray
Tampa, FL

Exclusive Sponsorship

What is it about?

At Behind Bodybuilders we discovered that every athlete has an interesting fitness journey and an inspiring story behind their journey, hence we took it as our responsibility to help all athletes around the world have a dedicated platform where they can make their voices heard and inspire others.

For 5 years now we have been in touch with thousands of athletes on a daily basis, and we published more than 1,400 inspiring stories so far.

We believe in supporting the fitness community through publishing fitness stories, as you believe in supporting the same community with your brand. We take our project very seriously, and our team work restlessly to help as much athletes as possible and put their stories i  front of a larger audience. And this is our future goal, increase our presence online and have more events to get in touch with more athletes.

And here comes your role. By becoming a sponsor of Behind Bodybuilders you will help us with our goal.

In return we will enable you to make profit of our presence in the fitness community. Your brand will be highly showcased wherever we are present online.

We have a large fitness community online (+3 million) to show them your brand, and we have curated  different sonsorship packages you can join.

Best part? The packages are a monthly subscription hosted by Patreon, so you are completely safe to join, and also have the freedom to cancel your sponsorship anytime you want.

Key Features

+1.2 million monthly views on our website.

+2 million fintess community reached on social media.

+90% readers from USA.

+10k members VIP fitness community

Sponsorship packages


1. Your brand/product/service published on every single page of our website.

2. Pop up windows showcasing your brand/product/service showing for every visit our website receives.

3. Your brand/product/service promoted in every single newsletter we send to our subscribers.

4. Your brand tagged in every single Instagram post we share.

5. Daily Instagram stories about your brand/product/service.

6. Weekly 24 hours Instagram and Facebook posta about your brand/product/service.

PRICE: $2,500/month


1. Your brand/product/service published on every single page of our website.

2. Weekly 24 hours Instagram and Facebook posta about your brand/product/service.

PRICE: $1,500/month


1. Your brand/product/service published on selected pages of our website.

2. Weekly 24 hours Instagram and Facebook posta about your brand/product/service.

PRICE: $750/month

Let's get started!

Featured Athletes Satisfaction Rate
+1,400 athletes featured

Looking forward to seeing you as our next sponsor!

Need Help?

Contact our team on Instagram, or send an email to

Copyrights Behind Bodybuilders 2023