almost done

Great News!

Our team right now is:

  • Creating a personal page for you on our website! Your official Behind Bodybuilders page! It will host your fitness story, your picture, and all details about you! It will link back to your Instagram account! Readers will be able to comment and interact with you on this page!
  • Editing your photo and create different social media posts to publish your fitness story
  • Creating a marketing campaign to promote your story

One Last Step!

All you have left to do now is paying the Verification & Support fee!

This fee is to help verify you are who you say you are (we receive a lot of unserious applications with fake identities, fake stories and fake pictures, so we need to eliminate these out). Also the fee will ensure the sustainability of the Behind Bodybuilders project, this is our day to day job and we take it seriously, we deliver a professional outcome, we pay to market your story, and we have expenses to cover (marketing, website & social media management, copywriting, photo editing, account management,...)