The Netherlands
"Sports has always been my passion since childhood. I was always thrilled to go to gym in elementary school. I was eager to learn, helpful and very competitive. I continued this journey when I went to high school and was often in the top 3 when it came down to the well-known beep test. Besides school gym, I have always played sports and I started at a young age with Gymnastics, Judo and continued later with Boxing, Kickboxing, and field soccer for the longest time. I have played field soccer for years and played indoor soccer at an older age. Besides soccer, I fell in love with fitness at a young age. I was immediately enthusiastic about the possibilities it gave but I was still very young, inexperienced and did not have the best guidance. This took quite a few years before I became more and more serious about it.
In my teens I laid a good foundation, but the motivation went up and down. Something that was missing was the motivation for healthy nutrition and structured training. I was young and I was not at all concerned with nutrition except that I did drink weight gainer shakes. I have always been a skinny boy by nature. The weight gainer shakes have helped me to gain weight over the years. But I did that in combination with poor nutrition.
In 2015 I had hit a tremendous low in my life after a few years of good fitness, my motivation weakened, and my results deteriorated dramatically, and I became increasingly negative. My mental state weakened and so did my health. My body started to feel weak and I could no longer motivate myself to go to the gym. This took a long year.
In 2016, after a depressive time, I have recovered, and I slowly started fitness again and the rest is history. I trained myself out of my depression and started to regain hope and fitness has played a very big role in that. My mental state improved, and I got a full meaning in life again. Sport has always played a big part in my life and I have found out that if I do not stimulate my body, my life is not complete. Sports is in my genes and I am bursting with energy that I must release. I love sports and fitness is my greatest passion now. I combine my strength training with running.
In 2020 I decided to take my fit journey to a next level and that is to weigh my nutrition every day and pay close attention to what I eat. This in combination with a well-executed training program. The results you can achieve with training, good rest and the right nutrition are awesome. I have been working for 7 months now and I feel fitter than ever and would like to share this motivation and love for fitness. At the moment I am educating myself to be a personal trainer. My journey continues."
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