Yvette Salva 

Monroe, NJ

"I started working out in my early teens. It started out as a diet to lose some extra pounds but turned into an addiction.
I was hospitalized for anorexia my junior year in high school… And struggled between anorexia and bulimia for many years.

In my early 20s, I switched addictions to drugs and alcohol. Cocaine kept all my demons about food at bay… And alcohol Took away all my fears.
When I was using drugs and alcohol I felt like all my fears went away. I could talk to boys ... i could dance and I felt beautiful.

After 15 years of drinking and drugging I hit rock bottom. I had lost everything; my job, housing and family.
At this time I decided to make a change, Iknew it was change or die. So I hit the gym. I started attending recovery meetings and haven’t stopped since.

Exercise truly was the staple in my life that pushed me through that hard time and continues to push me through every day.

Exercise teaches you... you can do hard things!
Exercise teaches you... you can show up for yourself and be disciplined! ♥️
Exercise teaches you... you can always level up just a little bit more!♥️
Exercise teaches you… that once you start moving you physically and mentally feel better... GUARANTEED! ❤️

These are all amazing lessons I learned from working out! 🏋️‍♀️

I don’t think I would have gotten clean and sober if it wasn’t for exercise in my life. I am so grateful today that I am fit and sober🙏 BUT the greatest gift is that I can teach this to someone else who is struggling. 🙏
People say “ I have been this way all my life”, but anyone can change if they want to. If I can change so can you!👊

I used to wake up binge… purge… get ready for work with a big glass of wine and a line of cocaine. Now I get up at 3:30 in the morning workout, meditate, journal and drink my water!

You can change if you have the willingness! Please know that change is possible!"

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