Aurora, CO

I have a background of physical activity at a young age. I was torn between gymnastic which I had enjoyed competitively for years as well as dance on the side to help with technique. This led to a love for dance which I then pursued until I was about 17 years old. I was a competitive dancer and had a pretty strict schedule and little time for a social life. I decided my junior year of high school to quit dance and enjoy my youth. This led to a bigger circle of friends, weekend parties, rebellion and excessive alcohol use. Choices that weren't exactly healthy for my body.

Shortly after I turned 21 I received my DUI. This was a big eye opener to me and truly forced me to create a better and healthier lifestyle. I had cut off a lot of friends that weren't benefiting my process and decided to lean on fitness and the gym to get me through some tuff times. Fitness became my outlet as well as a passion that has stuck with me since.

I met my ex husband just 1 year later while working at 24 hour fitness in a yoga class. He swept me right off me feet and things moved pretty quickly with the relationship. Just 3 years later we were married and expecting my son, whom is now 6 years old. I'll just say my ex wasn't who he pretended to be. The marriage was very toxic. Full of secrets, manipulation and infidelity on his end. Just 11 months after I had my son. I had decided to cope with drinking. One led to two, three and so on. It began another cycle of abuse trying to escape my unhappy relationship I felt stuck in.

It was one day I woke up unhappy, ashamed and lost. I looked at my son and knew that this could no longer be the life we were going to live. I packed my things and decided to move back home with my parents. I felt somewhat embarrassed about the situation but knew I had to do better. I started to build a home gym in their basement and slowly implemented fitness into all aspects of my life. I now personal train from home and am building my online platform to inspire others who may be dealing with a similar story.

Fitness has helped me through many times in my life. A nasty divorce, self doubt, alcohol dependencies and much more. My sobriety is something I am proud to voice to others. It was from a dark place that I was able to pick myself up and put in the work no matter how much self doubt. I kept a positive attitude and taught myself to be patient. We are our own worst enemy at times and it can only destroy us if we allow it. I choose the warrior within myself and I hope to inspire others to do the same.


