Benoit Couston 

Orange, France

Hello my name is Benoit I'm 28 years old and I'm very happy to share my story with you.
when I was 18, I weighed 95kg for 1.70 m, today at 28 I am at 70kg!
I am very proud of this new result because it was unexpected and honestly I never thought I could one day be proud of my body. I had no self-confidence and I was the person who didn't want to go to the beach because I was very self-conscious about my body!

I especially didn't want people to look at me! Moreover when I started my professional career I worked for 4 years in the "world of wine" with all the good and bad habits that this implies, and above all I did not do any sports session at all!

Then one day I got tired of what I saw in the mirror! Today I have been doing sports for 4 years!
A friend of mine showed me that it was accessible to everyone and that each person can find their own way of doing sports.

Since I was little I have always been someone "round" and people told me that it was hereditary ! Obviously I suffered a lot of criticism and mockery especially at school! I managed to prove the opposite!
I don't exercise in the gym, I only do bodyweight exercises at home or outdoors! And that gives me a feeling of total freedom.
I do 4 or 5 sessions a week now, and I will never go back because it allowed me to get back in shape.

From my 24 years I had "herniated disc" which has disappeared since the day I started to play sports and found a balanced diet!

I lost 25kg of fat and I'm in better shape today at 28 than when I was 20!

Today this result has changed my life so much that I decided to make it my job!

I help people to feel better in their bodies! It's a real mission! To feel good in your body is to feel good in your head!

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