Groom, TX
I had always been a short person due to genetics, my Mom is 4”11 and her mom was 4’3. I was this 85-95lbs 4’8 small kid.
I would always be made fun of and not respected bc of my height, everyone in school would call me “MINI MAN BEAST” which was embarrassing and not cool to me so to hide behind it for fun i YouTube Channel to own the fact that I’m the beast. It’s a very small school consisting of elementary/junior-high/ and high-school around 180 kids.
Elementary and Junior-High relationship with girls, they ended up cheating or leaving bc of my height.(that hurt)
8th grade year, thought I met the girl of my dreams, would talk about having kids and living the best future together, so I left my school and went to school with her, few months later I realized the school was sh*t and went back to my previous school where I convinced her parents to come to school with me.
During the time my mom had Lung Cancer and was at a risk of dying, after waiting months she had got confirmation for her new lungs, (thank you donor)
Parents were already divorced when I started school, Dad had a drinking problem and mom didn’t want the kids to be around him.
When she went for her transplant she was gone for a couple months leaving me behind to take care of the place which at the time I thought was freaking dope.
Figured out my “girl of my dreams” cheated on me with my best friend at the time when she moved to my school. After trying to figure out the relationship we were going to have after she cheated, I was willing to make it work out again, but I realized she starting hopping from one of my best friends to another. Seeing them together at school hurt.
Also lost those friendships telling myself that I don’t have any real friends.
My other siblings were already out of school, so I was left alone by myself for a couple months going through with everything happening in my life, I was depressed and hated myself.
Few weeks later, something inside me clicked telling me, you can’t be like this forever, look how bad you look, it’s time to rise up and prove people wrong, I would be at the gym by 5:00 am, lift during lunch, during athletic practice, and after.
Eat like a dog, being laughed at bc I would bring breakfast to eat in class after the morning session workout. I took a bag of canned chicken to track meets and everything. I would not stop, I needed to face my demons and become my true self.
Few months pass, I didn’t let anything or anyone get a reaction from me. Felt like everyone hated and they talked behind my back instead of congratulating me, they were shocked by my results.
Gym saved my life, I gained confidence, respect and self love.