Atlanta, GA

My fitness story began with yoga in 2015, during one of the most challenging periods of my life. I was desperately seeking something to help manage my stress. At the time, my oldest child was incarcerated and pregnant, and she gave birth while still there. I took my grandson home to care for him, and yoga became my sanctuary. It was the practice that kept my mind, body, and spirit intact during those tumultuous days.

Yoga has transformed my life in countless beautiful ways. It was such a profound experience that I decided to start a business to share its benefits with others. I began incorporating yoga into my daily routine with my young grandson, realizing that children and their families could gain so much from the practice of yoga. This realization led to the creation of Mimi's Yoga Kids in 2018. My business is a mobile yoga and wellness company that teaches yoga and wellness practices, primarily focusing on reaching underserved and underrepresented populations.

What started as a mission to teach kids has now expanded to include seniors, men, and families. My approach revolves around four key elements: mindfulness, inner peace, meditation, and imagination. These principles have become my mission and purpose, guiding my work and my life.

Staying mentally, emotionally, and physically fit is incredibly important to me, and yoga allows me to achieve this balance. The positive impact yoga has had on my life is profound. It hasn't just given me a business and a brand; it has given me a way to serve and help others. Waking up each day with the excitement and passion to help others understand the power of yoga is truly amazing.

I am a creative soul who loves finding new ways to bring love, joy, and peace into the world. We all deserve these things, but sometimes we need a little guidance to find them within ourselves. Through yoga, I strive to be that light, helping others discover the tranquility and strength they possess. This journey has not only enriched my life but also allows me to spread positivity and wellness to others, making every day a rewarding experience.

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