Copenhagen, Denmark

I have always enjoyed working out and staying in shape 💪 But then lockdowns happened, which of course had us all locked out of our gyms and kept us away from any such healthy habits 🤷 I lost all motivation and for almost two years I could not drag myself off the couch. I gained a lot of weight, while losing muscle mass... I was in a rough place... After having gained all that weight during the COVID lockdowns I eventually sat out on the journey to get back in shape - and to get back to the Strongman competitions I love so much.
I soon realised that this fitness and strength journey would have to be fun; otherwise I would loose interest and motivation - so only fun and functional workouts from here on 🤩

I spent all 2022 to get back, and I finally recognize myself again. I am proud of the man looking back at me when I look in the mirror now... But I am not done yet 😎
Next year I want to compete in the Denmark's Strongest Man competition while staying completely 'natty'.
For this competition I'll have to find all the inner demons and focus their power on this one goal. I see myself as the underdog trying to compete with the giants in this sport.
I am scrappy. I do not give up; and if I am not meant to share the stage with the strongest men in Denmark, then they will have to literally drag me off of it 💪

I hope you will find inspiration in my journey, and that you will enjoy the time spent with me.


