Clayton, NC
"For the last ten years, exercise has been a big part of my life. It all started when I joined the military in 2011. It was there that I found out my physical fitness capabilities and what I was truly capable of.
After I got out of the military I went through some hard times financially and with becoming a single mother. Becoming a new mother is hard, doing it by yourself is even harder! Being a single mom can add so much extra stress, work, fatigue, and impatience to my life. Don’t get me wrong, I love my kids, but it’s exhausting. That’s why I am so happy to have health and fitness in my life
Exercising has become so much more for me than just getting into shape. It boosts my mood and provides me with a mental clarity that I cannot get from anything else. It gives me something for myself, to challenge myself, and continue to see what I am capable of. I’m truly a better mother with fitness in my life. It’s not just me who benefits from it, but my kids benefit from it as well! Exercise helps to give their mommy energy and endorphins to get through each day!
Getting into a fitness routine can be difficult in the beginning. I have gone many times where I started and stopped a program. It happens, that’s life, and we are not perfect. The important thing to do is find your “Why”. Ask yourself Why do you want to make a change in your life and what will keep you actively pushing towards those goals? For me, it’s not only the wonderful physical changes in my body, but it’s also how it changes me as a person and what it does for my kids."
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