China Dolla 

Long Beach, CA

After I had my son it was a very happy time in my life. I was happy to celebrate with my family and friends after he was born. I enjoyed cooking and of course eating. When my son was nine months I seen a picture of myself, and I realized I had gained a lot of weight. I remember friends and family becoming worried, and concerned about how much weight I had put on. I knew I had to start working out. In the beginning I noticed putting the weight on was easy, but getting it off, I knew it was going to take some hard work and determination.

At the same time I knew getting back in shape, I would be learning a lot of new skills and habits, to being able to one day say “I’m in the best shape of my life!” I went from being shocked at the unwanted weight to being filled with motivation and determination, because I learned I could put my son in his stroller and start jogging! I had arrived. I learned along with having a new son. I was also a new person. A new physically active person. Before I had my son I remembered, being active was the reason I was in pretty good shape. Yet this time around I had something more interesting in mind. I told myself this time around I want to get in the best shape of my life, not only for myself, but for others. I wanted to lose weight this time, to let others know, they also can get back to where they use to be.

I want to let those who may be struggling with the same experience as me know, not only can they get where the use to be, but they can also be even stronger and more healthier. I was stuck on the couch and I made up my mind to get active. I got back in shape but with more perks. I’m working out, and I picked up a good cook book, and I’m eating healthier than ever before.

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