Dan Mulder

Vinton, IA

"I started my fitness journey because of sports. Playing baseball and hockey, I wanted to make sure I was in shape and a good teammate.

Once I got out of high school I started hitting the gym when I enlisted in the Army. The easy answer was I did it to pass the physical fitness test. The big reason is that if we got into a situation, I didn’t want my brothers and sisters to doubt my ability. Both reasons paid off later in my military career, as I became our units master fitness trainer.

After a 15 year career, in transitioned to a correctional officer for the state of Iowa. I’m also a personal safety instructor for out institution. Again I work hard in the gym for the other officers and my family.

For more personal reasons, I was always the small kid and man. When I started my fitness journey I was 155 pounds. I was told you’ll never be big, you’ll need steroids to get big, your to small to accomplish much. Hearing that you have two choices, listen and give up, or use it as fuel to prove them wrong. I chose the latter. After three years of good nutrition, hard work in the gym, and good supplementation (not steroids), I’m 182.

If you want it you can accomplish it. Don’t listen to the doubters. Use it as fuel to accomplish your goals.
I’ve used two people to mirror in my fitness journey, and they are Seth Feroce and Guy Cisternino.

I hope this fuels your fitness journey and goals. Work hard, be intense. You can accomplish anything."

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