David DeJesus 

Kissimmee, FL

"Many, many years ago, I was diagnosed with high blood pressure, hypertension, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea among other things. I weighed a maximum 367 pounds and for most of my adult life I was obese. This also lead to my depression. With my inactive lifestyle and long hours of work, I became reliant on fast food that contributed to my poor health.

It wasn't until a hospital visit changed my life forever. I had collapsed and passed out. Waking up in the hospital was no adventure.I was told that I just suffered a heart attack. My blood pressure was at a hypertensive crisis level. That's when they explained to me that I was type 2 diabetic and morbidly obese with a body fat exceeding 45%. My hospitalization scared my wife and kids. They thought I was going to die. It was in that critical moment in my life when I realized that I not only need to change my life for me, but that I needed to change my life for my family's sake.

I needed to change my life quickly. The process was long, but worth it. I realized my journey was going to be a marathon and not a sprint. With time and dedication, I was able to transform in just one year. When I took on the fitness journey, I didn't expect that much success. I nearly reversed all of my health issues in that one year.

This change in my life inspired me to help others with their own fitness goals and I became a personal trainer."

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