Emerald King 

Muncie, IN

My family has always promoted healthy living, since I was a child. As I matured I wanted to make sure I kept that going and though it was hard at times I’ve always returned to the gym. The gym was my way of feeling great, confident, and motivated everyday. I will say, fitness really took off during college in 2013. With the help of my dad, brother, and personal trainer it helped mold me to the women I have become today. I will tell you I did have ups and downs where I have weighed in at my lowest. My lowest was 115 and I’m 4’11 and so it was not healthy weight. So I got a trainer back in 2017 and really immersed myself into the fit world. Once I felt confident enough to do it on my own that is where I began my journey. I decided to take over my own training and would go to the gym everyday accept Sunday for 2 hours. I was so consistent and determined I was able to gain enough healthy weight to reach 130. I knew from then on I could do it.

Now I had to ask myself could I help others too. Is there someway I could do this for a living because I felt I was at my best and had so much fun while doing it. I couldn’t beat the new found strength and fire that grew in me. So I want to make sure that fire remains in me and too create one in others. My name is Emerald meaning I am a gemstone and I’m built under pressure. So I know I can withstand anything!

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