Lockport, IL

I really started consistently working out after I had my daughter. I’ve always been 120 pounds, from my junior year of high school to my sophomore year of college. So once I got pregnant, the day I gave birth to my daughter I weighed in at 175 pounds… Which is a lot for a 5 foot 2 girl like me.

I eventually fell in love with my progress in the gym and with my body again! I quit keto because I did more research and realized it wasn't the best for me health wise. I started counting macros and making better choices with the food I put in my mouth. Quit eating fried foods. Quit drinking alcohol. No sodas! And I can honestly say those 3 factors have made my journey and progress so much easier.

My energy is amazing! My “mom belly” is finally gone. My confidence is the highest its ever been. My body is in the best shape its ever been and I feel so mentally and physically happy and healthy! I'm interested is sharing my story to all the new mothers, sober serious, ladies and gentlemen, anyone interested in hearing how my journey started and is going.

My next goal in life is to eventually do a body building show by the end of the year. 💪🏻 I want to be an inspiration to my daughter and set a good example for her that healthy is not about the number on the scale. its you vs you everyday. Make sure you win.


