Birmingham, UK

Since completing my masters degree and losing my dad last November I have used the gym as a way to keep busy and motivated. I have found that since going to I have developed my flexibility, my strength and my confidence.

I go to the gym and complete multiple group classes including spirit class, yoga and legs bums and tums sessions. I also use the gym independently and utilise the machines available, including cardio.

By developing my flexibility, this has improved my dancing as a dancer and dance teacher and also developed my choreography as I am able to do harder movements and have better mobility.

I love going to the gym and have found a new passion for swimming. I utilise my Instagram to present and log my progression each week and I have managed to swim further each session. Even up to 1200 metres, which 13 year old me would have never imagined doing because she hated swimming.

The gym and keeping active has also improved my self discipline and has provided me with a healthier mind set. I am determined and committed to achieving my best and am eager to develop my strength and mobility further as I continue my practice and training.

I now wake up and have a better outlook on the day. I do not feel as tired and instead of thinking about my dreams, I go out and chase them. I am quite tall, and always thought this was a barrier to be flexible. I want to prove myself wrong and love myself and my body more.


