Erin Stoll
Lodi, OH
"What drove me to start working out? After going from 134 (I would run daily but that was it) to 201 (at 9 months pregnant) the day I had my first baby. I realized I needed to take my health back to be healthy for myself and my new child. I had always shamed my body even when I was skinny before kids.
When did you start? I started working out running at first when I was in my early 20s. Workout classes and running about 10 years ago. I started Lifting about 6 years ago.
How has it affected your life in a positive way? bodybuilding has taught me so much more than how to be healthy and create healthy habits. It’s taught me to embrace this body of mine. It’s taught me mental and physical strength. It’s taught me never to compare my journey to anyone else’s. I’ve learned I’m only in competition with MYSELF. No one else.
It’s taught me to set goals and achieve them. These things have trickled down into everything else I strive for in life.
It’s more than just walking across a stage in a bikini. It’s proving to MYSELF that I can do anything I set my mind to. Its taught me CONFIDENCE! It’s proving to myself that I can be the best version of myself and embrace it. Whether I bring home 10th or 1st place, I have already won, mentally, physically and spiritually.
Also I made this post to inspire others to love their bodies:
Body shaming. It runs rampid anymore. So much comparison. So much self expectation, low self esteem and expectations to be who we aren’t and pressure to be “thin” or not thick enough. WHY?! Why have we let society do this to us?! So many young teens and young adults struggle with confidence and believing in themselves. If I could inspire and help any of you struggling with these things, I have done what god has placed me here to do! Love. Yourself!!!!!
I teach several teens at my art studio and I’ve talked with them about these things. They told me they want to be skinnier or prettier or they hate the body that they’re in. It starts at such a young age. Being a teen comes with enough pressure as it is. We’ve had so many conversations around self esteem and just embracing our bodies and what God has given us and to stop comparing.
I wish I would have had that role model to teach me from a young age to embrace my body type and love myself. I hated the body I had as a teen and a young adult. I used to try ridiculous things just to be super skinny. Crazy diets, I would not eat, take unhealthy OTC diet pills 💊 and workout without proper nutrition. What was I thinking?! Back then If I could have told my younger self that I was beautiful instead of ugly and to take care of my body and health right then and there, I would!!!
It has taken me YEARS to love ❤️ this body that God has given me. I may not have the skinniest legs, or the biggest chest or smallest booty, but I’ve learned to embrace what I do have. Hell I even have stretch marks on my stomach and legs 🦵 and cellulite. But you know what? Im owning it!!
It’s literally taken me 35 years to be comfortable in my own skin. (I’m almost 39 now) it took me years To embrace this short, muscular, petite frame of mine. But I’m owning it now and I finally love what I see in the mirror.
I want my daughter and sons to learn from me. To understand that they are beautiful and handsome the way that they are and to TAKE CARE OF their bodies and their minds.
I’m a bodybuilder, yes and I work hard to take care of my body. Most people dont understand Bodybuilding and what I do, and I don’t expect anyone to. I do this the healthy way. No starving. No drugs. Just all natural supplements, clean food and some cheat meals and working out 🏋️♀️ 😂 . BUT bodybuilding has taught me so much more than how to be healthy and create healthy habits. It’s taught me to embrace this body of mine. It’s taught me mental and physical strength. It’s taught me never to compare my journey to anyone else’s. I’ve learned I’m only in competition with MYSELF. No one else.
It’s taught me to set goals and achieve them. These things have trickled down into everything else I strive for in life.
It’s more than just walking across a stage in a bikini. It’s proving to MYSELF that I can do anything I set my mind to. Its taught me CONFIDENCE! It’s proving to myself that I can be the best version of myself and embrace it. Whether I bring home 10th or 1st place, I have already won, mentally, physically and spiritually.
I’m thankful for so many of you who have inspired me over the years to even step foot in a weight room. To even consider supplements. And to even consider competing! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ALL ARE!"
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