Gabe Steel 

Plantation, FL

"I was always into sports as a kid . However was always the big boy in the group I remember getting teased a lot from that and not being able to do things others could because I was not at a fitness level that enabled me to do so. It was rough to find the motivation I would get depressed and just eat lol 😂 . I told myself something had to change and for over a year I tried to lose the weight diets but was unfamiliar on how to do so nor did I have the discipline for it.

I had asked several friends for help with the workouts and programs and the answer was totally I will but in the long run no one answered . I was just about ready to give up on the idea and I recall being at a wrestling shoot young man walks in immediately all eyes were drawn to him.

I saw the confidence in his eyes moreover the humblest attitude and good vibes I approached him and figured hey man what do you have to lose . To my surprise he said yes and started me on a weigh loss program I followed it step by step we would meet 1 a month to monitor progress.

I started seeing the change and had more energy felt more confident I was in my way and until this day a year later I have lost over 67 lbs and now getting ready to compete it has been a life changing experience I am confident and feel good and am in the best shape of my life and want to inspire others"

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