London, UK
I started working out when I was a young teenager. I have vivid memories of lifting washing up liquid bottles filled up with sand! I qualified as a Certified Personal Trainer in 2003 with NASM, as well as a Nutrition Advisor & Sports Therapist. In 2005 I established my Personal Training business. Much of this was driven by me having a serious car accident in 2001 when a drunk driver drove into me head on. This was debilitating to the degree that I wasn’t walking properly for 18 months. I had hopes of playing basketball professionally; they were scuppered.
I still live with the repercussions of this each and every day. I owe my life in health and fitness, and in particular strength training, to being able to function to the degree I do, as well as help my invested clients change their lives for the better. I have certainly had my battles with health and life, and I have zero doubt that experiencing such trials has enabled me to coach clients much more effectively. In the last few years, my son has nearly lost his life due to major congenital heart defects, and has had miracle life saving surgery. Of course, when you go through such trials, your energy is rightfully channelled with a degree of tunnel vision. For the purposes of simply getting through it. I am delighted to share that my boy is a healthy and strong young boy! I highlight this as the stresses of a prolonged life trial did take their toll on me, physically and mentally. That’s the case, even with the vast experience, knowledge and qualifications that I possess. So I have been on both sides of the fence so to speak, and it has given me a much greater perspective when it comes to health & fitness in life.
Empathy being a quality which comes to the fore. I am working my way back to peak condition, in-spite of my spinal condition. Getting in the gym, lifting with excellence and being an example for others to follow truly energises me and has me moving forward at an even greater clip than ever before. I have had the privilege of training a huge number of private one to one clients since 2005, with 95% of my business being direct referrals. I have had a full schedule of clients every week for the past decade. To be honest, I have been somewhat late to the party with the social media scene! I am however in the process of applying the very same skills, intuition, qualifications and experience to the online marketplace and have almost completed constructing a new 90 day transformation program. I am uber excited to share this with more people, scale my business further, and continually grow. Your support will be truly appreciated.