Toronto, ON
My first experience with consistent training was with martial arts as a young teen. I picked up there the importance for routine for progress. 10 years ago, I moved to North America for studies. At the time I rarely lifted weights but I enjoyed running. I would download inspirational content and listen to it (I still do) on my runs after classes.
It's only 5 years ago that I got serious about weightlifting and nutrition. Going vegan around that time completely reframed my relationship with food, and I started paying attention to labels. It was a very challenging time with a lot of changes in my personal life happening at once after I graduated college.
The gym felt like a place where I was fully in control. I could have disappointments in my day to day life, but at the gym my work was always rewarded, and most importantly I felt proud of myself. Even though I lift a lot more now, I still average probably around 20k running per week. It's my way of meditating because the only thing that matters then is the next step.
Around the time I went plant based, I realized it would be easier if I meal prepped because options were not always easily available. I put some effort into making my meals exciting and started a food page on Instagram. This gradually evolved into a more fitness oriented account. I have since connected with many amazing like minded people and received messages from many people telling me how I had been a motivating figure to them. This makes me want to keep going and hopefully be a motivation to even more people!