Gizelle Garcia

Miami, FL

"I am a type 1 diabetic. I was always struggling to control my blood sugar levels and maintain a healthy body weight. I became a mom to 2 beautiful and healthy kids. Being a full time mom & business owner stressed me out and it caught up with my health. My blood sugar levels were very high and I gained a lot of weight. My doctor told me I needed to take control of my health, or my future was not looking very bright. I decided to incorporate daily workouts to my morning routine as well as follow a balanced & healthy nutrition plan.

As soon as I started to see positive results, not only in the way I looked, but also the way I felt - I was hooked! Simple workouts became more and more intense as I saw muscle tone & growth. I realized how important and how beneficial weight training is for women. How it helps women feel and look younger, as well as increase energy levels. And what mom doesn’t need and want more energy?!
Ever since I implemented exercise, weight training, and proper nutrition - my type 1 diabetes has been in control and I feel better at 42 years old than I did at 21. I also began inspiring others with my fitness journey as well as share my love of fitness with my family & children.

Fitness & wellness has been a blessing in my life and it is something I know will always be part of my life."

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