Hannah Staton

London , UK

Fitness nearly killed me & then saved my life.

My journey has involved highs & lows, mistakes & successes, but most of all it has shown me where my real passion lies: helping others achieve their fitness goals, preventing them from suffering the way I did & teaching them the knowledge they need to succeed.

My story started the year after I left school. I was stuck in a 9-5 job, with little work, so I spent a lot of my time researching training & nutrition. I was chasing the dream of a 'toned' & 'lean' body. But even with extensive research, I made every single mistake possible. I went low carb, did loads of cardio, trained with light weights & ate very low calorie, i.e., low protein. This developed into a horrible relationship with food & I just became very skinny, with very little muscle. I was unhappy, cold all the time, desperate to eat food, & even lost my menstrual cycle. In this situation, fitness & obsession were close to killing me.

I was so desperate for food; this slowly developed into a Binge Eating Disorder. I had this disorder for my uni life duration, leading me to suffer & become unhappy. I was still going to the gym, but my nutrition was appalling, & I was stuck in a cycle of binge, restrict. This led me to gain over 40 pounds, which was 20 pounds more than my original weight.

One day I had a Health Check. The test revealed that I had high cholesterol & high blood sugar levels. For someone of my age, this was terrifying! At this point, I was miserable & very unhealthy.

That was a turning point for me. I decided that I wanted to take back my life & use the gym to improve my mental & physical health. It became my happy place, & I trained hard to become the best version of myself. If I hadn't made this change, I don't know where I would be now, as I was heading down a very dark path. The gym & fitness saved my life.

I never want anyone to go through what I did & I am so grateful that I am now the fittest I have ever been & I can empower other women to become the best versions of themselves and prevent them from making the same mistakes I did."

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