Portland, OR
"My name is Heidi and I’m a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach. I’m a mother of 2 teenage boys and currently prepping to compete in powerlifting and bodybuilding shows this year.
I got into fitness 3 years ago. I was looking for a solution to battle my depression and anxiety. I needed a positive outlet and I had heard working out was “the most undervalued antidepressant”. I wanted to love myself again but my constant struggle with my weight throughout the years made it hard. I knew I was capable of doing better and decided I needed a lifestyle change.
I told myself that no matter what I felt I was going to work hard, learn as much as I could about health and turn all of my pain and negativity into my super power.
Throughout this process I feel in love with the confidence, courage and new outlook I had developed within and never looked back. I wanted to give this beautiful gift I had found to others and made it into a career that I am extremely passionate about.
I highly encourage anyone seeking a new life to join our world. Fitness is life changing and I’m never looking back.
If you would’ve told me 3 years ago I would be a powerlifting heavy metal music listening mama, I would’ve laughed. Life is an adventure and I’m sold on what fitness does for myself and others. In my opinion within the fitness journey we not only lose the weight and gain the muscle but we find ourselves."
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