Hopie Larralde 

Kennewick, WA

"I started my weight loss journey last year, May 25th 2020 weighing in at 199lbs. At 4”11 weighing that much was rough on my body. When I closed my eyes and thought my future I always pictured myself fit, problem was I had the worst habits. Drinking beer, eating bad and late. No exercise. I didn’t know when I’d snap out of it or how.

I’m also a braider & one of my friends/clients is a trainer @TheMikeWay. They offered a 21 day challenge here in town and watched their first group go through it and they lost about 20lbs in 21 days. I thought to myself, maybe I should try this. So I did. I have something to prove to everyone including myself. I had to make it through it. The first week I love 11lbs. The first 21 days I love 27lbs. First month I love 30lbs. 2nd month I love 50lbs. And by month 4 I was down 73lbs.

I have stayed the same weight for a few months now but I am now toning my body and getting more defined. It’s crazy to think where I was at a year ago, but it showes if you really want something, and you work hard for it, you can make it happen.

It’s definitely a life style change. Hard work and dedication. Keep your eye on the prize and don’t let anyone discourage you. I really wouldn’t have made it this fare without my trainers at The Mike Way. Mike Steen, Donny Garner, but especially my guy Duane Steen. Also all the amazing people I have met in the gym. Without their support and encouragement, I wouldn’t be here either"

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