Jennifer Norbits 

Sarasota, FL

I have been a chiropractor for over 20 years. I absolutely love what I do and educating my patients on health and wellness. I have been blessed to have 3 successful clinics and the opportunity to travel to other countries to treat athletes and teach nutrition, health and wellness.

In 2013 I got married and within 2 years begin to see my health was not at 100 percent, I was good at taking care of others but was not taking my own advise and putting on my oxygen mask first. In 2017 I began to take time for me and work on getting my life back, with small changes of a morning routine again, running outside and getting back to the gym.

However it was not until 2019 when my husband and I divorced that I realized things needed to change and change dramatically. I hired a personal trainer and told him "Do not let me quit", I got serious about my health and vowed to never compromise my own health and healing again, in order to help and heal patients, my own vessel had to be healthy at 100 percent. I had to make the time daily to workout, clean nutrition, and keep my mind right especially in 2020.

This year more than ever 2020 has taught me mental health, spiritual health, get in the gym and stay focused on what you can control. I take a few simple disciplines practiced every day in order to reach success. I have also spent the time on personal development this year to read 10 pages of a book every day.

Health for me is the whole body, mind, spirit, body, nutrition, and relationships. I have learned better together and even cleaned up my community and circle of friends to surround myself with those that think bigger, push limits, and imagine the impossible. I have had to work out from home several times this year from the world shutting down, so I have learned how to build a home gym with minimal equipment and get results. I have also been blessed to travel to Portugal for work, yet include my workout equipment in my suitcase in case I could not find a gym. I have learned true grit and that the future and my health will only happen if I take action and make both a priority.

Today I am blessed for the opportunity to have amazing health at 50 years of age, including training for a bikini contest in 2021 and I choose to keep my vessel, my body, my spirit healthy so I can still help others reach their full potential as a chiropractor and an Global Online Health and Wellness Coach.

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