Jacksonville, FL
My name is Matthew Rice, I am an active duty Marine and Fitness has become a major part of who I am. My fitness journey began when I was a freshman in high school. I didn't have a lot of friends and I wasn't much of an athlete. I didn't know much about working out or nutrition, but I knew I always wanted to have huge biceps, like the professional wrestlers and bodybuilders I follow today.
So, I asked my mom to purchase a pair of 15-pound dumbbells from Walmart for me. I did bicep curls and push-ups every day to get bigger and stronger. My Uncle also gave me his old bench press and weights he used to have when he would train.As I've gotten older, I've learned that being fit is more than just having big arms or a big chest. It's about achieving balance in every aspect of training and nutrition.
The more I study, plan, take my time with my training, setting realistic expectations and having accountability within myself, I get closer to my goals and final destination.
I've accomplished a lot in my training. I’m happy to say that I can bench, squat, and deadlift over 300 to 400 pounds. My arms have gotten much bigger since I first started. I am bigger, faster, and stronger every day.
I believe that Fitness is vital and important to our everyday lives. I believe everyone has the right to good health and healthy living. The hard work we do in a day contributes to how we're going to feel for the rest of our lives.
What I've learned and accomplished in my training has inspired me to have the desire of sharing my knowledge and workouts with others. No matter how experienced one may or may not be.