Bristol, UK
I have always been relatively fit/athletic and played various sports over the years but during the first lockdown in 2020 I was going through my own personal strifes like everyone else! I made a pledge to myself on March 12th 2020 that I would dedicate myself to learning calisthenics and be fully invested into my own fitness journey. I self taught myself the basics of calisthenics, building the foundations through various techniques and equipment. Each passing months seeing clear progression and being able to defy gravity to say the least! Having started my fitness journey I also wanted to document it all, so I created my own Instagram fitness page during that time. Before I know it I had built a dedicated following, with people from all over the world praising, asking for advice on how I started my journey and tips in helping them start their own. Seeing the continued growth and being in a position where I was improving myself mentally and physically, but also helping there during that difficult time just reinforced my belief in my journey even more.
Currently I have been able to meet, collaborate with various brands, people and learn more about the world of fitness. I continue to be inspired by all fitness content creators and love the community that has been built. I want to keep collaborating with different people and brands, I’ll motivate those who are struggling with their own fitness journey and be a reference point for them.
Everyone is unique in their own way, as much as I have my love of fitness I also have other interests that I like to mix in with my fitness such as anime, manga (quoting my favorite character references). Music is also a big interest of mine and without fail every workout I do has to have music involved!