Jojo Miller

Calgary, AB

"I am a reformed “chubby girl”. I always had body image issues and low self confidence. Things changed for me after the birth of my second son back in 2009. Having 2 boys in 2 years, didn’t give my body much time to lose baby weight. I was heavier than ever and felt unhealthy, miserable, and was exhausted all the time! I knew something had to change.
Long story short, I made a commitment to myself to start exercising and taking better care of myself, so I could be a better mom and wife. I joined bootcamps and became hooked. I I started to look.better, and feel better. From that point on, fitness became my passion and I knew I needed to make a career out of it!

Fast forward to today- I am a certified group fitness instructor in the following formats: strength and conditioning, barre, fusion fitness, HIIT, and Tabata. My classes are known to be challenging and motivating. I put my heart and soul into my classes.

Due to Covid restrictions, I’ve had to shift my teaching to online classes. I have a growing community of women of all fitness levels who have the same goal in be the best version of themselves. I am so grateful!

I want everyone to know that you can accomplish anything that you want to, you just need to believe in yourself and be patient with the process. I hope my story inspires others to not give up on’s worth the journey!"

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