Washington, DC

Seven years ago, l immigrated from Ukraine to the US with my two kids. I had to start my life, my career, everything all over again. It was difficult at first working different jobs and trying to find my place in a new country. There was a lot of stress and struggle, but I never gave up. l continued to study, working hard to improve myself mentally and physically, and continued to pursue my great passion for fitness in life, which has led me to where l am now - a professional bodybuilder, a certified personal trainer,
and a strong, healthy Mom!

2022 has been a very tough year. In the beginning of the year my Dad passed away and just two weeks later Russia invaded Ukraine. It was heartbreaking going through all of that and being so far away from my family and friends but I stayed strong mentally and physically. I kept myself in prep just to prove to myself and to others that it is hard to break the spirit of a dedicated person no matter what life throws your way.

I won my Pro Card this year and devote this win to my Dad, I know he is so proud of me up there and I will continue to move on!

I truly believe that age is just a number and your muscles don't know what date is on your birth certificate. Muscles know only whether or not they have been exercised recently. l believe that there is always something to improve in this world, yourself!

I am living example that it is never too late to start. Just show up, be disciplined and stay consistent.


