Melbourne, Australia

I have been a full time athlete from the age of 6 conquering way too many top level sports to write on here, in brief some highlights. All round athletics Champion, Australia Team Gridiron player, Victorian League best Lacrosse player, Australia Ninja Warrior Semi-Finalist and many more. Today i won my 50th Natural Bodybuilding Title and I am a pro world champion. I am a personal trainer running my own business training many other champions to be like me.

My Next goal is 3 more bodybuilding shows this year still to come hoping yo win my 6th career pro card and go on to be one of the best all round natural athletes on the planet. I recently turned 50 years old and had to deal with skin cancer and also tearing my right bicep off the bone requiring surgery to re attach it.

All these set backs at age 50 just made me work harder to prove I can come back from anything and still be a champion and today I proved it once again. After this season on stage i am considering going back to athletics to try my luck in the masters divisions, knowing for my age not many are built like me and can match my fitness and strength. So I love a new challenge and pushing my body to the limits to inspire others to get up and try and do the same in something they are passionate at. Never give up attitude. Win .


