Mariluz Badillo 

Dublin, Ohio

"My name is Mariluz but everyone calls me Mary. I am a mom of an extremely active toddler and a sleepy frenchie and a wife to an incredible human being. I am a Latina born in Mexico and now I am a Latina living an American happy life in Ohio.

Thanks to my parents I spent my childhood and most adulthood practicing different sports, you name it! I learnt and done so many until I discovered Crossfit. Crossfit changed my life in so many ways (I wish I had discovered it much younger!). I used to go to a box before having my kid and while pregnant I had to slow down... that was the biggest and most difficult stage in my life cause i am always “moving”.

I waited until he was old enough to go to a gym nursery and so I decided it was time for ME and I went to my local YMCA. It was time to go back and work on myself and my health. For me working out has always been part of my lifestyle, a habit and a way to relax from the noise of the world so I had to keep going.

So, when Covid started I had to ADAPT to make things work in my home. Making the time for the things I wanted was a MUST. Giving up has never been an option and the pandemic pushed me to get out of my comfort zone to achieve my fitness goals. I am just a mom but I make the time for the things that matter and of course I care about myself!

So I have to keep working hard and continue ADAPTING to improve. My advice, Dedicate time to yourself."

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