Randi Smith

Denver, CO

"Hi I'm Randi and I just turned 31. I started lifting in high school and fell in love with it back then. Over the years it has always been my go to and my happy place. It has given me a lot of extra strength and confidence in all ways in life outside the gym. I am able to be a better professional health care worker with literally moving and lifting patients. I am also really good at helping my friends move and one of the first people they often ask.

I have been able to compete in bodybuilding shows and obstacle races where my physical strength has crossed over and helped tremendously. I have much more confidence to try new things and believe in myself because I am happy in my own skin. It has given me more mental strength to continue to push through other challenges in life when it is hard because I know it won't last and I'll be better and stronger after.

It is a privilege to be healthy enough to move your body and be able to work out whenever you want; because not everyone is that lucky! I have also met some incredible people and life long friends along the way.

This last year especially has been my hardest year where I have struggled in so many ways but consistently working out and eating clean have brought me to the happiest spot I've ever been in.

I'm so excited to continue on my fitness journey and be able to reach out to others and help them achieve their goals also! When you work on becoming the best version of yourself you are then able to be better in all other areas of life. That energy is contagious and positively affects all those around you!"

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