Houston, TX
I began my health journey in 2016 when I was just trying to learn how to live healthier. I created a page to help me become accountable & show others that I was truly trying to better myself.
I would have never imagined my journey would become such a huge part of my life and professional success.
Due to a bad relationship I fell off for a couple years, gained a lot of weight & lost my power, confidence, and health. April of this year I decided to take my power back. Thus jumpstarting not only my fitness journey again, but my venture into health and fitness world professionally.
I have pushed every day to wake up, get up and show up for myself.
Since the beginning of this year I have lost a total of 60 pounds, but I have gained all the confidence and self love in the world.
My personal goal now is to help others see their worth and find their power through physical activity and eating well without restrictions.
Through the power of social media I have been able to connect with all walks of life and share my food, workouts, mental health motivation and truly anything that has helped me personally become successful.
I hope that with sharing my story I can motivate others to find their power and start their own journey.
I am so thankful to those who had followed me since the beginning and have continued to support me through even my darkest times.
I would not be The Fitty Bitty One without them.