Philadelphia, PE

I began my fitness journey when I was really young (hard to guess what age, maybe nine?). When I started playing football in fourth grade I was doing workout videos like Tae-Bo and Biggest Loser; we'd also go on evening walks to end our days.

When I began playing high school football (GO SEALS!!) my Sophomore year I was a really skinny, lanky guy. Weighing 165lbs and was a lineman on both sides of the ball, as well as, every Special Teams. As you can guess I got tossed around quite a bit being as small for the position as I was.

Between my Sophomore and Junior year I managed to put on 20lbs of muscle. My family didn't have lots of money so sometimes getting to practice was an issue. In the summer time I'd run from my house to the high school, clocking in at six miles (just from my home to school), I'd workout, I'd practice, and quite often on day's where I couldn't find a ride, I'd run back home, an additional six mile's back home. Right there is 12 mile's running to and from the high school, AND training in itself. A majority of those day's I'd add an additional four miles of cardio running from home to my gym and back.

Work ethic is important to me so as my chapter playing football was coming to a close I joined the PA Army National Guard to keep that feeling of a team, amongst other reason's.

Coming back from BCT/AIT, I attended Bloomsburg University to get my Bachelor's Degree in Criminal Justice. Like any college student I had larger access to thing's like a better gym and more food. Because of this I was able to lift heavier weight, lift more frequently, etc. I jumped from being 185lbs my first semester of college to 255lbs at the time of graduating.

I ended up getting surgery to repair a SLAP tear in my shoulder in 2021 which impacted my training heavily.

I ended up going away for 10 months to fulfill military obligations. During this timeframe I learned many thing's about myself. I wasn't happy. Although I was strong, I wasn't happy with my life. Due to many reason's I changed my religion to Norse Paganism which is heavy in nature, which helped me get into recreational activities like hiking, kayaking, etc. Amongst that I continued on lifting heavy but in a smart manner.

Now, a few month's later I'm continuing on being smart and working hard with my training, and I have my two dog's, Buddy and Rieka to thank for keeping me up with all the walks we do. (Love you two!)

Work ethic, discipline, and the will I developed in myself, at such a young age, has helped me with life changes, working to seek self improvement every day so I'm a better me than the day before.

Working out sets the tone of the day and give's me something to look forward to, and I don't use it to only improve my physical life, but also my mental and spiritual health, as well.

I'm looking to become a certified personal trainer and use my current platform on Twitch ( to help others in their journeys to provide the advice and positivity that they need to hear.
I feel that's a good, brief summary of my story, so as I always say on stream, Stay Swoll! ❤️💪


