Orlando, FL
"I have always been fit, I am a retired US Marine, but last year I suffered a stroke caused by cancer. It was because of fitness I was able to survive, and I used bodybuilding and competition. Prep to help me recover. My physical therapy was done in a real gym and after surgery I traded my therapist for my trainer @mrunmatched. After 10 weeks of training I came back to a 6th place at Masters Nationals and a 3rd at the Ultimate Grand Prix.
God says our bodies are temples, despite so much damage to my temple I have been able to rebuild, through my Testimony I have reached people to start healing their lives physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The stroke and cancer attempted to take my life and crush my faith and soul, fitness and bodybuilding were tools God gave me to battle them both and win.
I am thoroughly convinced that sharing my journey will help show others that a job, being tired, being lazy, saying you can’t are all just evil excuses to keeping a person from becoming the best version of themselves. If I do not use excuses, if I can be competitive on a National Stage less than a year from fighting away possible death, then no one should.
I don’t want people to “be like me”. I want them to be the best they can be and instead of just surviving, I want them to truly live. So put down that remote, turn off the Tiger King, and start working on you!"
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