Stéphane Gagnon

Sussex, NB, Canada

"My name is Stéphane and I'm 51 yo, I was born with asthma and my mom introduced me to every sport possible as a kid for obvious health reason.

Growing up started to go to the gym because I loved it. I love pushing myself and testing the limits. I did my first SPARTAN race 8 years ago and singed my medal to my Aunt that was battling cancer in hospital at the time, and never stopped going back after that.

As a father of 3 girls I always tried to give a great examples and advice.
Fell in love with running about 10 years ago and I'm now running 20k a week.

The gym for me has been a great place to wash off all the frustration, anxiety and anger that life brings you. For me pushing myself is very good physically and mentally, and as for asthma sports, gym and specially running took care of it!

Now I don't remember a time where fitness was not part of my life. I guess you can say I started for health reasons but stayed for so much more. As a personal trainer I know that sometimes you start to feel like sticking to your workout routine isn’t worth it anymore, and maybe you’re disappointed because it seems like you aren’t getting the results you want as fast as you’d like! Or perhaps you’re tired of fighting with your body day in and day out!
Let me tell you that everyone feels this way from time to time. It’s natural to have doubts and fears – and to even think about quitting!
I think it's the way you deal with this feeling that makes all the difference, and it’s what separates those who achieve their goals from those who never quite make it!

Before you give up, consider the fact that you may just need a little push and motivation and inspiration. Before you quit, remember what pushed you to start!

I now have 6 kids that look up to me and I hope I can be inspiring enough to impact their life in a positive way, and I hope I can inspire others in their journey."

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