Reading, England

The Dream comes true, you have to just believe in yourself. My journey began through the adversities, the COVID year threw at me. Sulking in a month’s depression, decided to rise again and use this situation as an opportunity to be a better version of myself: Swapnil V-02. Here begins the story of an Energy professional to become a British Finalist 2022 of the British Natural Bodybuilding Federation’s body building competition.

22nd Feb 2022 - An almost 49 year old Eng’g and Project Management professional makes a decision to enter a Bodybuilding competition.

28th Feb 2022- Very much a mental and physical fitness promoter but naïve to Body Building, who didn’t even know a double bicep pose, starts his BB training prep with a coach Harry who is as old as his daughter.

17th May 2022- Finally registers for the BNBF Southern qualifier to compete in the Masters 40 category for the 24th July 2022 show, unaware of the fact that BNBF (UK) is a world recognized, reputed, respected and most competitive federation to compete in.

A novice, on the journey to pursue his passion, putting his heart and soul into the daily grind. With an absolute discipline and determination in diet and training and with an amazing support system of family and friends keeps hitting his targets towards the show day.

24th July 2022 - Competes at the most prestigious and glamorous BNBF Southern qualifier held at the @leatherheadtheatre. His first ever show in lifetime, is placed 6th and is a near miss to qualify into the British Finals.With almost 20 plus weeks of training decides to dig deeper and compete at the Northern qualifier for the 4th September show… the drill getting tougher and tougher, recovering through another bout of the COVID virus.

04th Sept 2022- Competes at yet another awesome BNBF show - Northern qualifier held at the RNCM, Manchester. With the experience, learning and confidence from the first show, takes up the 2nd position with a trophy and the golden envelope to enter the prestigious British Finals.With no post show rest , no binging, rather taking the energy from the win continues the grind for another 4 weeks. Working on the weaker points, striving to get in the best shape to face the tough competitors.

02nd Oct 2022 – The British Finals show day at the Leatherhead theatre . Here he stands tall and competes amongst Britain’s top 10 Finalist in the Masters 40 category, presenting the best, leanest and defined physique of his first ever Body Building season. The best man wins.

But the journey for Swapnil continues…I am in an off- season training now, bulking to add more mass on my frame and working on the weaker points and feedback from the judges… looking towards the 2024 completion season.

My goal is to make more and more people aware of their mental and physical fitness through the various initiatives I publish on my social media accounts.

The aim is to give back what I have learned and keep learning in this never ending process. One percent better everyday.It’s never late to dream and chase them to reality… even if you are 50.


