Veronica Richer

Brooklyn, NY

"I’m Veronica and I’m from a small farm town called Bryan, OH. I recently started my fitness journey to become the best version of myself I can. I have been training for five months and want nothing more than to inspire others to begin their journey with me.

Growing up fitness was always important. I was a champion swimmer, cheerleader, and enjoyed running long distance. Exercise played a very crucial aspect in both my physical health and my mental health; I loved knowing I could start my run off feeling stressed and anxious and come back feeling refreshed. While in college, my fitness journey took a long hiatus.

I moved to Boston, MA to follow my dream of being a professional opera singer. The stress of grades, recitals, learning four languages, living on my own, and figuring out life outside of a small town took its toll. After graduating with my BM in Vocal Performance, I moved to New York City to pursue my masters and begin employment with opera companies. I began going to the gym frequently for the first time in years and was completely devastated when the pandemic hit.

With COVID-19, the arts have completely shut down and all members are still unemployed. However, having time during quarantine to figure out my priorities and I what I wanted for myself was a huge blessing. We can choose to seek the light in the middle of so much darkness. I began setting daily goals for myself about how I wanted to feel and what I wanted to accomplish. Although the gyms were closed, I took up running and managed to reach my goal of 8 miles. Having accomplished that, I knew nothing could stop me.

My love for my career drove me to begin investing more time into fitness. My body is my instrument, and I’ve found how beneficial lifting weights has been to my vocal longevity, strength, and overall wellness! Singing over an entire orchestra with no microphone is no joke; it’s tiring and is a complete cardio killer. I need the gym. Taking time for myself has been the most rewarding aspect of this journey. I leave the gym feeling empowered, positive, motivated, and inspired.

My goal for this year is to not give up. I don’t weigh myself, I eat the occasional chocolate, but I put in the time and I’m beyond excited with the results. I hope my journey and my story will inspire others to seek health and seek happiness."

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