Dallas, Georgia

I started out at as a New Year's resolution goer back in 2013 and I had a little bet on whether I could finish my resolution or not. My resolution goal was to get fit, reduce the amount of medications I was on, and be healthy. Now here I am almost 10 years later still crushing that goal!

I went from skinny fat to strong, still building shapely muscle, and becoming more confident in myself. I've had so many glorious fitness opportunities in my 10 years such as competitive powerlifting, going pro in figure to making my debut in wellness bodybuilding and becoming nationally qualified, jujitsu, acting, major publications, fitness modeling, training people, and the best part making new friendships and in the process meeting my now husband.

The transformation both physically and mentally has been astounding and I am so proud of the woman I am today.

To anyone who is afraid to start I just want to say that it is never too late to start and having a strong support system makes a world of difference. I am a firm believer in using weightlifting to reshape the body and I actually call this the “poor man’s surgery.” You absolutely can grow glutes but it will not be through cardio, so pick up them weights! Always work towards manifesting your goals and putting them into existence. A favorite quote by Jim Rohn I live by is, “take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”


